Welcome to 
Succeed in Recovery.

You’re in the right place if you want to stop alcohol and drugs taking over your life.

I believe that you deserve freedom from addiction, and a life you don’t want to escape. 
I am here to help you achieve that by creating an individualised comprehensive plan to suit your needs.

To find out how I can help you, please schedule your FREE discovery call now. Don’t delay!

From intervention to continuing support

How I can help

My name is Theo de Vries and I am an internationally certified casemanager, interventionist, recovery coach, recovery assistant, recovery companion, travel companion and I am a person who has been in recovery for over 10 years. I believe that life in recovery is not about less, but about more. It’s about making life colorful again. It’s about waking up in the morning, excited about what the day will bring. Sure, we have bad days, but with the right strategy, tools, and support, I can help you navigate the ups and downs so you can tackle them.


Support before, during and after treatment

Casemanagement is an important part of addiction care and can be an important resource for you if you are looking for treatment for addiction problems. Casemanagement includes coordinating and providing support during your entire treatment process, including helping you find the best treatment in addiction care institutions, continium care organizations and safe houses at home and abroad.

More information about recovery management will follow soon.

" Testimonials

I Believe anyone Can Recover!

Intervention Services

As a certified interventionist, I help families host interventions with family members and partners who are struggling with addiction. Because of the nature of substance use disorders, it is often difficult for the person to identify that they have a problem. Families may need a specialist to intervene. This is where I come in.

For more information about the types of interventions I hold and how I can help you and your family, contact me for more information and to schedule your FREE discovery call.

Recovery Coaching

  • Are you tired of drinking and/or using drugs and want to stop?
  • Have you tried Self-Help groups but feel like they aren’t the right fit for you?
  • Are you ready to make a change in your life but don’t know where to start?
  • Have you achieved a period of sobriety but feel stuck in your recovery? 

I can help. Through our intensive one-to-one program, I can answer your questions by designing an individualised comprehensive recovery plan to suit your needs. It will address the questions you might have, such as: 

  • What now? 
  • Who am I as a sober person? 
  • How do I live life in recovery? 
  • Is this decision right for my recovery?

My role as a recovery coach is to promote your recovery by removing barriers and obstacles that get in the way of you leading a fulfilling life. Through our regular meetings, I can help inspire and motivate you to achieve your goals, keep you accountable in your recovery, and act as a guide and mentor.

To find out more about recovery coaching and how it can benefit you, contact me today to schedule your FREE consultation.

Recovery Companion

A sober or recovery companion offers the same tailored service as a recovery coach, but is more intensive, offering 24-hour continuous support for several weeks, months, or longer. The purpose of a recovery companion is to help an individual in the early stages of recovery to take those first few steps after leaving treatment toward a life in long-term recovery, and all that encompasses. This service is also commonly used for people already in established recovery, who need further assistance and support.

To find out if I can help you in the early stages of your recovery, contact me now for a FREE discovery call.

Safe Passage Transport

It is a huge step to decide that you need help. It is an even bigger step to walk through the doors of a treatment center to get that help. I help families and individuals by providing a safe transport and companion service to a treatment facility. I can also accompany individuals on business trips, vacations or social and family engagements. 

I organize all of the travel arrangements and ensure safe passage.

Call me today if you need help with transportation.