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Intervention Services

You may be looking at this page while desperately worried about a loved one — a family member or spouse, your son or daughter.  Have they reached the stage where their addiction or drinking has taken over both your lives? Do you feel despair that nothing you have tried is working? You may feel so hopeless that you’re considering leaving them, or asking them to move out of your home.

Or you may be an employer concerned about the well-being of an employee or a business executive who is causing difficulty at work, but you don’t know what steps to take.

How do I know if I need an intervention?

According to the American Society of Addiction Medicine, substance use disorder (addiction) is defined as ” a treatable, chronic medical disease involving complex interactions among brain circuits, genetics, the environment, and an individual’s life experiences. People with addiction use substances or engage in behaviors that become compulsive and often continue despite harmful consequences

Prevention efforts and treatment approaches for addiction are generally as successful as those for other chronic diseases.” 

By its very nature, the person suffering with substance use disorder often finds it difficult to see the severity of their illness. More often than not, when a person is at the acute stage of their addiction, you may be watching them:

  • Do all the things they said they wouldn’t do
  • Put their drinking or drug use above family or relationship priorities
  • Miss work, school, or other regular commitments
  • Make endless promises — like vowing to getting help — but never keep them

As a certified intervention specialist, I can help. It is a harmful myth that people need to reach a “rock bottom” before we can get them the help they need. I believe that people can recover.

What is an intervention?

Simply put, an intervention is a multi-stage process; its goal is the family addressing their concerns with the person who is suffering with addiction. The steps are as follows:

  1. The interventionist meets with family members and loved ones
  2. An intervention network is established
  3. The intervention is hosted where the person is confronted in a safe environment
  4. The person is taken to the appropriate treatment facility

Even though family members know the individual intimately, they are not always best placed to stage the intervention themselves. However, without a specialist’s help, family members may not be able to see how the whole family system has contributed to the situation, and they may try to enforce unreasonable expectations. This will only perpetuate the problem.

This is where I can help. As an international certified interventionist and recovery specialist, I can help the family come together and tackle this issue head-on, with the compassion and resources needed to deliver an effective end result.

While the person is receiving specialist treatment, I can direct the family unit to the appropriate support and their own therapeutic services. Addiction is often referred to as a family disease — therefore, the process of recovery also applies to the family.

What do I do as an interventionist?

Trained in various models of intervention, I am experienced and committed to finding the right solution for you and your loved one. Two of the most effective types of intervention are:

ARISE® Model of Intervention

The ARISE® Comprehensive Care with Intervention is a model of intervention developed by Dr. Judith Landau and Dr. James Garrett in the early 1990s. This is a joint intervention that involves family members and others close to the person. The key difference between this model and the Johnson model is that an ARISE® intervention is hosted over several months, and is an Evidence Best Practice Method aimed at healing both individuals and families. It has been shown to help individuals achieve long-term recovery.

Through an ARISE® intervention:

  • 83 percent of those suffering with addiction get into treatment within three weeks
  • 96 percent enter treatment in six months
  • 61 percent are sober by the end of the first year


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Johnson Model of Intervention

Founded in 1960 by Dr. Vernon Johnson, the Johnson Model incorporates the family in the intervention process. It is often referred to as confrontational, or surprise, intervention whereby the family unit sets a clear boundary of what will happen should the person choose not to seek the help they need.

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