SOBER Transport

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Safe Passage Transport

In my experience, there are several challenges to overcome for people seeking recovery. One of the most at-risk situations for those taking the first steps in recovery is getting to and from a treatment facility. For people in early recovery, it’s leaving a treatment facility and transitioning back into normal living, and then there is the challenge of returning to work and traveling for business or during family engagements.

These are all stressful situations where individuals are likely to feel anxious, vulnerable, and fearful of temptation that they may return to their old coping strategies.

As a recovery coach, interventionist, and sober companion, I know all too well the risks associated with those situations. I believe that every individual seeking recovery deserves the best chance of success. That’s why I offer Safe Passage Transport for clients who need help getting to a treatment facility, and to those in early recovery who would like additional support while traveling for business or vacation.

Safe passage to treatment

It is a huge step to decide that you need help. It is an even bigger step to walk through the doors of a treatment center to get that help.

As a sober companion, I offer safe passage to treatment facilities for any individuals, including those with whom we have just performed an intervention, to ensure they receive the treatment they need. 

I will organize all the travel arrangements, so you know that you or your loved one is taken care of. Knowing a loved one has arrived at a treatment facility safely provides great relief to families and partners. It also helps individuals with the challenge of admitting they need help and the reality of facing that decision. I am here to help overcome those fears and provide comfort to individuals taking those first few steps toward a life in recovery.

Safe passage for leaving treatment

Leaving treatment as a newly sober person can feel daunting — just how do you transition back into your life now that everything has changed? Whether you need a safe passage companion to get home or to secondary services like sober living, or a live-in full-time sober companion, I can help make the travel arrangements and accompany you. We can ensure you take the next right steps to achieve a long-term recovery.

Safe passage for business travel

Perhaps you are a person in early recovery returning to a high-stress job that requires extensive business travel. That’s something you used to do, but you coped with it using alcohol and drugs. It may feel daunting returning to those situations without your old crutch, and you may be asking yourself if you can handle it. I can help facilitate business travel by helping you make the travel arrangements and accompanying you on your business trip. I will provide encouragement and support and promote your recovery and wellness goals, taking the stress out of the event. 

Safe passage for social engagements and vacations

I know how stressful family events and social engagements can be: lots of personalities, perhaps some feelings of shame around your behaviour in the past, or the emotional distress of attending a wedding or funeral. All of these situations can be problematic not only emotionally, but also because of the amount of alcohol available. 

Travel presents is own unique set of problems: alcohol is readily available, individuals may suffer with travel anxiety, and you could be travelling in an environment where other people are drinking heavily. 

That is why I can also offer safe passage and companionship to individuals attending family events, social events, and vacations in order to protect their recovery. I travel with the person and will be there throughout the events until we return back to their home.

I am available for Safe Passage Transport in the Netherlands and internationally, and my services may be combined with others, such as Interventions and Recovery Coaching

Safe passage Transport services are discreet and confidential, and I will never disclose the reason why I am accompanying you on a trip. I am there purely in a supportive capacity, working with you to ensure you achieve your recovery goals.

Call me today to find out how I can help by accompanying you to an event you’re worried about.

" Testimonials