Recovery Companion

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Recovery Companion

Early recovery is challenging. You have to navigate an entirely new life. Everything as you know it has changed. It can feel scary, vulnerable, isolating, and overwhelming, especially when you no longer have an escape button. You are feeling emotions with full force and dealing with challenging situations, and in some ways you don’t know where to turn or how to find steady ground. 

Research shows that between 40 and 70 percent of those leaving treatment can fall back into addictive patterns of behaviour within the first year of treatment, and up to two-thirds return to use within a few weeks. It is crucial that you get the right support in those early days to help you transition into a life of long-term recovery. 

This service is also commonly used for people already in established recovery who need further assistance and support. 

This is where I can help as a sober companion to give you the best chance of success at sustained recovery. 

What is a Sober Companion?

A sober or recovery companion offers the same tailored support service as a recovery coach but is more intensive, offering around-the-clock support for a few weeks and up to several months or longer. I work with you and your family to help you to develop and establish a daily living plan that assists you in achieving long-term recovery.

As an experienced recovery companion and coach, I understand these challenges well and have helped numerous clients change their lifestyle to successfully recover.

What Does a Sober Companion Do?

A recovery companion can help in a number of situations. I will take those first steps out of a treatment center with you, accompanying you home or into secondary housing. Through my guidance and support, I can help you transition through those vulnerable first few days and identify possible triggers at home, work, school, or within your social circle.

One of the most important aspects of having a recovery companion is the one-to-one support in developing a comprehensive wellness plan that aims to:

  • Identify possible risks and triggers, including assessing the home environment
  • Design a social support network that promotes your wellness and recovery goals
  • Create a plan for actively pursuing recovery, possibly including mutual-aid meetings, therapy, and medical support
  • Promote self-care, encouraging adequate sleep, healthy eating, and exercise
  • Develop a financial plan
  • Help support reintegration into the workplace or school
  • Keep you accountable

During our time together, I will help to reinforce the positive steps you’ve taken toward your health and integrate the tools you learned in treatment, help you to overcome challenges, triggers, and temptations, and provide guidance when you feel unsure about what steps to take next or how to deal with a situation.

One of the challenges of early recovery is navigating social and business situations sober. I can accompany you wherever necessary, like to family events, social gatherings and functions, and business conferences to ensure your health and recovery goals come first, and that you feel supported in these situations. 

Through my companionship, I can meet clients exactly where they are — whether that is a treatment facility, or home. My goal is to help you transition as smoothly as possible into a long-term recovery and develop long-lasting habits that improve your self-esteem and confidence.

I am available as a companion in the Netherlands and internationally, and my services may be combined with others, such as Interventions, Recovery Coaching and Safe Passage Transportation

Companionship services are discreet and confidential, and I will never disclose the purpose of my presence. I will be there purely in a supportive capacity, working with you to ensure you achieve your recovery goals.

If you or someone you love needs help transitioning to life in long-term recovery, call me today!

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