Motivational Speaking

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Motivational Speaking

I am passionate about sharing my experiences so that others don’t have to struggle with addiction like I did. 

I spent many years in the depths of despair, struggling with substance use disorder. Drugs and alcohol played a very destructive role in my life and I felt completely hopeless. After reaching a crossroads — get help or die — I was fortunate enough to find recovery. That was nine years ago, and I no longer live in the lonely and isolating prison of addiction. You can read my story here.

It is because of overcoming my struggles, and the gratitude I have for my well-earned recovery, that I am passionate about helping others by increasing awareness about the slippery slope of addiction. Too often we use drugs and alcohol to numb out as a means to cope with our pain and discomfort. I believe that anyone can overcome any challenge in life by getting the right help, hard work, and determination.

By sharing my story through speaking engagements, I am able to inspire and motivate others: to deal with life’s stressors, to overcome any challenges they face, and to get the help they or to direct someone they care about to the right help. 

I can talk about a number of topics, including substance use disorders, compulsive watching of TV and streaming sites, gaming addiction, porn addiction, and addiction to social media. 

I have spoken to a range of organizations and audiences, including teenagers and young adults, students, teachers, institutions, and churches. 

I deliver my message, and inspire and educate others to change.

Contact me today to find out more.

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